Undoubtedly in your ministry, you’ve encountered people who hold on to grudges tightly or who are embroiled in conflict. In these cases, forgiveness must be a key focus of your pastoral care. But how do you explain the biblical concept of forgiveness? As a Christian, your starting point is different from what we hear in […]
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For as bright as the holidays may be, it is equally dark for many, allowing us to live out our divine call to counsel in helping others find peace this Christmas! The holiday season is again upon us ushering in a seemingly magical transformation of social life. Celebration is the theme of the season, and […]
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According to the teachings of Jesus and the Great Commission, we are all called to make disciples – to counsel the Word in our lives and of others. How many of us don’t know someone who has struggled or is currently struggling with depression, anxiety, parenting problems, addictions, marriage issues? It’s our commitment at the […]
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Because the image of God is sacred, an assault upon one of his image-bearers through domestic abuse is an attack upon God himself. Smartly-dressed Mike and his wife Debbie walked into my office for their first session. One look at Debbie revealed that she had been crying, but was trying to hold it together. Mike […]
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What is love? One of the reasons many of us do not experience love to the fullest, it because we do not truly know what is real love. In this month that holds Valentine’s Day, red roses fly off the florist shelf, date nights abound, candies and notes fall into the decorated boxes of elementary […]
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“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever.” – Psalms 136:1-3 While I appreciate the locution of our word […]
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Biblical counseling effectively finds its place within a paradigm of discipleship and the Body of Christ, under the regular teaching and preaching of God’s Word. The Great Commission finds fulfillment in two primary efforts: “baptize” and “teach.” First, we introduce confessing believers into the body of Christ (as displayed by baptism) and then we help them […]
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Intentionally seeking and granting forgiveness is first and foremost about the glory of God. As we humble ourselves to His will and seek to imitate Him in our relationships with others, forgiveness serves as the foundation upon which relational and emotional healing may take place. “Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and […]
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Good and Angry, a groundbreaking new book by Dr. David Powlison, sets readers on a path toward a faithful and fruitful expression of anger. As broken people in today’s broken world, it doesn’t take much for us to become angry. Whether it’s turning on the news or interacting with family, friends, co-workers and peers, we […]
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As Biblical Counselors, we counsel the Word in the midst of current tensions and violence in a world that desperately needs Christ. The past several weeks have been hard. Very hard. And sadly, there could be harder weeks to come. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling a mix of sadness, exhaustion, fear, and confusion. There […]
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