ABC Blog

Dear Friend: I’m so excited to let you know about an exciting video resource I have put together in advance of my book release for Grounded in Grace: Helping Kids Build Their Identity in Christ. 🥁roll please… Introducing the first-ever, GROUNDED IN GRACE VIRTUAL PARENT SUMMIT! 🙌 What is it? 26 interviews with leading pastors, […]

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Then the Lord said to Cain… (Genesis 4:6a) The Scripture provides a wide range of case material packed with truth and meaning for counseling ministry. The story of Cain offers a prime example (Genesis 4:1-16). While we don’t have access to the details of Cain’s childhood, we can probably learn a few things from what […]

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My Latest Book!  My latest book is now available via the Association of Biblical Counselors. Parakaleo and Noutheteo: Understanding and Applying Two Richly Practical Biblical Counseling Words.   Counsel the Word  This is the first book/booklet in a series of books call Biblical Word Studies for Biblical Counselors. These words studies are not “heady academic […]

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Post-traumatic stress disorder, a profoundly intense response to profoundly dangerous experiences, manifests itself in fear, terrifying vulnerability, and lack of a sense of control. While these responses are often involuntary, Jeremy Lelek reminds us that they are still responses . . . and, thus, different responses are possible. Here he relates the narrative of creation, fall, and redemption to the experiences of PTSD, reminding us that the gospel speaks to our experiences with danger as part of its redemptive message. He points to the wisdom of God in our suffering and reminds us of the saving grace offered by Jesus, guiding readers to the peace and contentment found in seeking God’s glory. Sample Chapter: /sites/default/files/files/Sample chapter(1).pdf

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That moment when God allows us to see the world through a biblical lens, sitting in awe of Him and the story He is telling through our life, is incredible. When we realize our life isn’t defined by our past or our pain but by our union with Christ, we start to discover strength in […]

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A Twitter Question On Twitter, domestic abuse biblical counselor, Chris Moles, asked: “What was it that woke you up to the prevalence of #DomesticAbuse ? An experience? A resource?” I hesitated to respond with my experience—feeling false shame even half-a-century later. But then, for the first time, even as a sixty-two-year-old author-pastor-counselor, I put it […]

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