Refund Policy
Books, CDs, and DVDs
Books may be returned for a full refund within thirty (30) days of purchase as long as they are in resalable condition. Physical CDs and DVDs may be returned for a full refund within thirty (30) days of purchase as long as the packaging is unopened and the item is in resalable condition.
You may request a partial refund (70%) of a certification enrollment fee within two (2) weeks of purchase. No refunds will be given for certification enrollment fees past this initial two (2) week period.
Other fees related to certification enrollment such as video license fees and application fees are non-refundable.
If you are not completely satisfied with your ABC membership, a full refund of your membership fees will be given as long as your request falls within two (2) weeks of purchase date. Please know that all ABC resources are copyrighted and can only be used by those who are current members of ABC.