God’s Grace: Active, Invasive, and Eternal
Author: Jeremy Lelek
Category: Biblical Counseling, Blog
Read Romans 8:26-39
This passage, in part, reads, “…the Spirit helps us in our weakness…the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance to God’s will…God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose…Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us…”
In one of the most precious passages in all of Scripture, Paul offers a living portrait of grace in the life of all Christians, pointing to the power and commitment of the entire Trinity to complete the work of redemption in all who believe. God’s abundant grace is revealed in that He “helps”, “intercedes”, “works”, “died”, and continues to “intercede” for all who believe. As counselors, the process of change and transformation does not reside in what we speak or the amount of time we spend listening to those we counsel. On the contrary, the process of change comes from the very hand of God alone. Very often, it is of utmost value to highlight this reality to those receiving our counsel. Ultimate and eternal change is not realized when emotional symptoms dissipate or situations become resolved. Such suppositions originate from the pagan ideas of modern psychotherapy. On the contrary, eternal change transpires when believers are “conformed to the likeness of His son” (v. 29) through whatever trial or hardship may be experienced. Paul carefully states, “in ALL things” God is working for a greater and precious good. Is your counselee struggling with depression? Point him or her to Romans 8:26-39. Is he or she confused as to the purpose of counseling? Take them to this life-giving passage and reveal to them the answers found therein. So often counselors are pointed to theory, technique, or strategy as the greatest method of change. However, this runs completely counter to God’s precious Word. Change is not a method imparted by mere mortal, rather it is a power graciously given by the sovereign God of the universe (Ephesians 2). As such, the process of change becomes an open and abundant venue in which to honor Christ as change is pursued. Romans is a powerful reminder that whether the issue is depression, addiction, or childhood abuse, God is at work in the life of His children to complete the precious work that He alone initiated
- Always engage counselees with this marvelous truth: God is invested in true heart- transformation. You do not have to change alone!!!
- PointindividualstotheRedeemerratherthanafalsesystemofredemptioninwhich counseling techniques and theory overtake the beauty of God’s eternal words.
- WalkcounseleesthroughRomans8:26-39andhighlightthebeautyofGod’slovefor His church.
- PrayforfellowABCmembersthatallwouldseektohonorthelivingChristin everything we live and speak to others in the realm of counseling.
- PointpeopletoGodandHisgraceforthepowertochange.
- LovethosewhoneedtheloveofChristasyouministerthemercyandgraceofGodin the arduous process of change.
Posted on September 25, 2023