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Sorted by: Susan Thomas

<p> I’ve heard it said that the most important thought you will ever think is what you think about when you think about God. Not only is that a potential tongue twister (try to say it three times in a row fast!), it is a VERY true statement.</p>

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With six people in our family, we’ve had lots of opportunities to visit the doctor. We have experienced everything from colds, flus and ear infections all the way to viral meningitis, serum sickness like reaction and life-threatening allergies. And, I’m not even talking about the injuries! We have had our share of doctor visits.

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Jesus said, “Remain in me…” John 15:4a, NLT Life is amazing. We have big dreams, deep desires, exhilarating feelings and incredible experiences. We love. We laugh. We learn. Yet, in all of life’s beauty, let’s be honest. Life is hard. Pain visits. Betrayal cuts. Dreams go unrealized. Relationships crumble. Crisis happens. Addictions grip. And, even far more frequent, we face daily challenges common to the human existence. Tires go flat. Milk turns sour. Traffic makes us late. Kids have meltdowns in the grocery store. The job is stressful. The spouse is grumpy. Or, maybe I’m grumpy!

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The word “boundaries” is a popular word in our culture today. From books and pop-psychology, to talk shows and everyday conversations at the local coffee shop, this topic of “boundaries” is a hot topic among people as we try to navigate our relationships. “I have to establish my boundaries.” “I need to figure out how to set up better boundaries with my in-laws.” “You need to define boundaries with your husband so he knows when he’s crossed them!”

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I’ve heard it said that the most important thought you will ever think is what you think about when you think about God. Not only is that a potential tongue twister (try to say it three times in a row fast!), it is a VERY true statement.

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Sexual intimacy is God’s design for every marriage. Sex is His beautiful idea! He holds the copyright. Yet, every counselor hears the common complaint about the lack of passion or health in the bedroom. These cries from the hearts of our clients come in multiple forms and packaging, but all lead to a place of discontent and death inside the marriage relationship. We have not had sex in months. I don’t feel attracted to her anymore.

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I love babies!  I really do. I have to tell you from this mother’s perspective babies are the cutest little things I’ve ever seen.  My favorite part is their little toes.  Wait, it’s their fuzzy heads.  No, it has to be their pudgy legs.  I can’t choose my favorite part!  I love the whole baby package!  I just know I’ll be that great grandmother one day restraining myself from rubbing the baby heads of complete strangers.   As a blessed mommy of four little ones, I have enjoyed the daily discovery of watching my babies grow.  Their mental and physical development is truly a miracle.  Those first two years especially amaze me as their little bodies and personalities develop so quickly!

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Have you ever heard the statements, “you are what you think.” Or, “if you think you can’t, then you can’t!” These statements and many like them, reflect the observation that our thoughts are powerful.  The things we think about can impact our lives in a significant and sometimes life-altering way. Just the other day, one of my sweet daughters expressed her struggle with math.  “Mommy, I CAN’T do it!  I’ll never be able to do it! I don’t know my multiplication!” In a God-given moment of patience, I looked at her and in true, cheerleader-like fashion (motions and happy facial expressions included), I said “you may not know it now, but you WILL!”  I began to chant this cheer until her look of distress gave way to giggles of delight.  And, she began to study her facts with renewed vigor.

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