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How Does God Feel About You?

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<p> I’ve heard it said that the most important thought you will ever think is what you think about when you think about God. Not only is that a potential tongue twister (try to say it three times in a row fast!), it is a VERY true statement.</p> <!–break–> <div> <br /> <p> Our view of God will change how we live our lives.</p> <p> If we believe He is an angry God with His heart set on our destruction, we will run as far away as we can to hide from His wrath. Or, we might determine to win God’s approval and favor by trying harder to make right choices and achieve His mercy. If we believe God is indifferent and feels apathy towards us, we might deem Him irrelevant to our lives and decide we must find our own way.</p> <p> In our moments of pain or crisis, we will look to anyone and everything <em>except</em> our Creator because we believe He simply does not care and will not help. But, what if we are wrong? How <em>does</em> God feel about us? The accurate answer to this question is crucial. Thankfully, the Bible shows us God’s heart for us.</p> <p> <em>“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36, NLT)</em></p> <p> <strong><em>He had compassion on them.</em></strong></p> <p> Compassion. The very word means “co-suffering.” Compassion is an emotion felt far deeper than even empathy or pity for someone. Compassion is the ache felt throughout your whole being on behalf of another. Compassion creates a desire to help alleviate the suffering of someone else.</p> <p> Jesus felt compassion because of our lost and confused state. He loved those people in that crowd, and He loves us today. Not only does Jesus <em>love</em> us, He has the power to completely <em>rescue</em> us. He does not bring partial healing or a portion of help. As we believe and receive Him, God promises to save us fully for all eternity.</p> <p> <em>“For this is how <strong>God loved the world</strong>: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to <strong>save the world</strong> through him.” (John 3:16-17, NLT, emphasis mine)</em></p> <p> God feels compassion for you. God loves you. And this, my friend, changes everything. Instead of running away, we run to our Great God. When we believe our God loves us, we cry out to Him in our distress. We talk with Him as we face daily challenges. We trust His heart for us and we follow His lead. We thank Him for every good thing in our lives and commit to love Him back.</p> <p> Understanding how God feels about us will change how we feel about others. As a counselor, I want to have the heart of Jesus. I want my life to look more like His every day. Yet, I also am to remember that I am <em>not </em>Jesus. I must know my role and understand His role. Distinguishing the two is of utmost importance. We help others most when we understand who is the real Savior in every situation.</p> <p> I cannot save others, but I can point them to the Savior. I cannot heal others, but I can lead them to the Healer. I am not to judge others, but I am to speak the truth in love. I am not to detach from others, but to love them with the love of Jesus. I am not to feel apathy, but I am to have a heart of compassion that moves me to help.</p> <p> Only when we understand how God feels about us can we flourish in our relationship with Him. As we remain in His love and experience His compassion, He will unlock our hearts to love others.</p> <p> Will you pray with me?</p> <p> <em>God, please change my heart and life. I desire to understand your love for me. I want to comprehend the compassion you feel towards my life. Thank you for moving on my behalf to rescue me, heal me and help me in every way. Please help me to love you back and follow you daily! Give me a heart for others that follows your design. In Jesus’ name, Amen.</em></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> </div>

Posted on June 26, 2013