CCEF Course for ABC Certified Counselors
Author: Shauna Van Dyke
Category: Biblical Counseling, Blog, Counseling

Greetings friends, I have good news!
If you currently certified with ABC, then we have an opportunity for you! Through our partnership with the Christian Counseling Education Foundation (CCEF), they are now opening this specialized class for anyone who is already certified with ABC. Normally you would have gone through additional CCEF training prior to taking this course, so this allows you to jump right in to get training in Counseling Abusive Marriages. As counselors and pastors, this is a much needed area to be equipped, so we hope this will come as good news to you, your church or counseling ministry.
Counseling Abusive Marriages is a 3-credit course. October term dates are Oct 5-Dec 14 (registration is open for next 3 weeks). Cost is $650.
Course Description
In marriage, oppression occurs when one spouse seeks to control and dominate the other through a pattern of coercive, controlling, and punishing behaviors. Abuse is not a marriage problem. As a result, traditional marriage counseling will likely cause us to do more harm than good. In this course we will seek to understand the distorted and dangerous beliefs of an oppressor that require us to have a distinctive counseling approach. To minister and care wisely for people ensnared in abusive relationships we must understand abuse biblically, know what God says about it and how he calls us to participate in his rescue. In Counseling Abusive Marriages a biblical counseling model will be presented that will conceptualize abuse and provide guidance for how to wisely minister in these difficult and overwhelming situations. You will study physical, spiritual, sexual, and emotional abuse and how each uniquely impacts a victim and their children.
You will walk away with tools for assessing the extent and severity of abuse, ways to discern the deceptive behaviors of an oppressor, plans for providing protection, strategies for church engagement as well as practical counseling approaches for both the oppressor and the oppressed. Lectures and readings will provide the essential conceptual elements for organizing and understanding oppressive & abusive elements and how the gospel penetrates and applies. Through the use of written work, discussion, and case studies you will learn how to connect the gospel to these overwhelming and complex dynamics.
Course Outline
- Overview and Conceptualization
• Biblical Framework
• Physical Abuse
• Sexual Abuse
• Entitlement, Extreme Neglect, Deceit, and Economic Oppression
• Spiritual Abuse, Manipulation, and Terrorizing Behaviors
• Helping the Wounded Tell Their Story
• Church Involvement
• Bringing it Together with Redemptive Stories
How to Register:
CCEF set up CAM in Genius for ABC students to register. Here are the steps you will need to follow to make an account in Genius and register:
- Go to the Genius login page:
- Select “Don’t Have an Account?”
- Fill out the required fields on the account creation page. When you get to the last question, “Are you taking courses as part of a School of Biblical Counseling partnership?” they will select “Yes.”
- A drop down should appear below, and they would locate and select “Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC)” from the list.
Once your Genius accounts are activated, you should then be able to register for CAM following the regular registration instructions:
Your Sister in Christ,
Shauna Van Dyke
Executive Director, ABC
Podcast Host, Speak the Truth
Posted on August 19, 2022