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In Psalm 107:1-2, 8, 15, 31 and 43, God makes it clear that His number one driving motive behind allowing some of us to experience certain trials and tribulations is His saving love.  He loves us enough to allow us to be hurt in the short-term if it leads to our salvation in the long run.  That's the number one reason why God allows some to go to prison: He loves them.

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For Christians, the idea of self-denial is not an end in and of itself. It is intended for something greater; something in alignment with our God-given desires. But what are those desires that self-denial would bring. While unselfishness connotes going without for the benefit of someone else, is self-denial the ultimate expression of love? What then is the reward of love?

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<p> Do you want to remedy the shallow stereotype of “take two verses and call me in the morning?” Are you ready to stop placing band-aids on your friends’ suffering and sin? Then engage in mutual gospel conversations based upon a biblical way of looking at and living life.</p> <p> <strong>Gospel Conversations: Ephesians 4:29</strong></p> <p> People struggling with suffering and wrestling with besetting sins need whispers, not shouts. Don’t holler curses; whisper grace.</p>

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Dealing with sexual immorality is a challenge for any counselor. Deeply entrenched patterns of lust have become a part of the counselee’s lifestyle. Sinful relationships have replaced godly ones. Selfishness has won out over selflessness. Yet in spite of these ugly realities, the Holy Spirit makes some bold challenges in verses 12 and 16 of Proverbs 2.

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<p> <strong>By Robb Besosa</strong> (Regional Team Leader)</p> <p> Recently I had the opportunity to sit with a couple for several days. They poured out their difficulties in an attempt to find resolution for the constant conflict that plagued their marriage history of 17 years. Hectic work schedules, traveling, social commitments, teenagers in activities, and church responsibilities were all part of the contributing factors for years of unresolved conflict.</p>

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Several times over the past two weeks I’ve been reminded of Mark 9:14-29, where Jesus heals the boy with the unclean spirit.  There is much to digest in those 15 verses, but perhaps what has always moved me the most is the fathers cry: “But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”

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I’ve been reading, thinking, and praying much about the meaning of the Gospel. As a biblical counselor I believe the gospel is the central element of change. By that I mean that the gospel is necessary in order to change the heart from its natural pursuit and slavery to sin toward the pursuit of things pertaining to Christ. The gospel is good news. But what is the good

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I had just been released from prison when I joined a small church that practiced “session censured” communion.  Basically, this means that no visitor may take communion at the church unless and until they have first been examined by the elders of the church.  A practice I question to this day, but which Scripture and tradition reveal is not entirely without precedent. The pastor at the church was fairly new to the ministry, never having examined someone for membership.  He wasn’t sure where to begin.  So, I recommended

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When I was involved actively in Alcoholics Anonymous one of the many portions of the "Big Book" that I found interesting was the discussion of resentments and the suggestion that the alcoholic should avoid retaliation and argument with people who wrong him or her. There is the observation that those people, like the alcoholic, are spiritually sick. The alcoholic is admonished to ask God to help

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Jim loves God. He appears to love his wife and kids very much; he’s a leader in the church. He looks a lot like you and me.

       Jim, however, has a secret. He’s been living a double life for some time. At first it bothered him a lot, not so much anymore—he has developed a calloused heart. His conscience is seared from neglect.

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