The Empty Tomb
Author: Paul Tripp
Category: Uncategorized

I love Easter.
I love the celebratory music we sing at church. I love the passages of Scripture we read during worship. And most of all, I love the visual image of the empty tomb.
I’m deeply persuaded that the empty tomb of the Lord Jesus Christ reveals three fundamental character qualities about God.
The empty tomb reveals that God is faithful. Centuries earlier, after Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, God promised that He would crush wrong once and for all. He sent his Son to defeat sin and death by his crucifixion and resurrection.
For thousands of years, God neither forgot nor turned from His promise. He didn’t grow weary, nor would he be distracted. He made a promise, and he controlled the events of history (large and small) so that at just the right moment, Jesus Christ would come and fulfill what had been promised.
The empty tomb also reveals that God is powerful – powerful in authority and powerful in strength.
Think of the authority you would have to have to control all the situations, locations, and relationships in order to guarantee that Jesus would come at the precise moment and do what he was appointed to do!
Also, could there be a more pointed demonstration of power than to have power over death? By God’s awesome power, Jesus took off his grave clothes and walked out of that tomb. Those guys in power-lifting competitions may be able to pull a bus with their teeth, but they’ll all die, and there’s nothing they can do about it.
The empty tomb also reveals God’s willingness. Why would He go to such an extent to help us? Why would He care to notice us, let alone rescue us? Why would He ever sacrifice His own Son? Because He’s willing.
You and I need to recognize that His willingness was motivated not by what He saw in us but by what is inside of Him. He’s willing because He’s the definition of mercy. He’s willing because He’s the source of love. He’s willing because He’s full of amazing grace. He’s willing because He’s good, gentle, patient, and kind.
Even when we’re unwilling, full of ourselves, and wanting our own way, He’s still willing. He delights in transforming us by His grace. He delights in rescuing us by His powerful love.
These are beautiful and riveting truths, but we need to have a moment of honesty. It’s going to be very easy, come Sunday, to celebrate these truths. But what happens on after the celebration of Easter has died down?
What happens when you’re sinned against? You don’t have to lash out. What happens when the fallen world breaks your door down? You don’t have to run away. What happens when the things that God calls sinful start to look powerfully attractive? You don’t have to surrender.
Why? Because God is faithful, powerful, and willing. You see, Jesus wasn’t raised from death only to seal your future eternity. Certainly that’s an immeasurable gift on it’s own, but the resurrection has implications for you today.
You can stand in your weakness and confusion and say, “I’m not alone. God is with me, and He is faithful, powerful, and willing. He can do what I can’t do, and He gives me a new spirit to love what He loves.”
If you’re God’s child, the Resurrected Christ lives inside you today by His Spirit. You are a new person, not only in righteous standing before God, but in ability and desire. Jesus walked out of that tomb so you can walk in righteous hope until you meet Him face to face.
Paul blogs at Paul Tripp Ministries; this article is reprinted with his permission.
Posted on April 1, 2015