Christian Mediation
Author: ABC
Category: Uncategorized
Christian mediation seeks to biblically resolve personal conflicts, business disputes, church and ministry divisions and lawsuits.
I’m currently attending the Peacemaker Ministries annual conference in Orlando, Florida. Peacemaker Ministries assists Christians in learning and applying conflict resolution principles that God has given
through Scripture and has developed educational resources, seminars, and conciliation training to help Christians learn how to serve God as peacemakers in the conflicts they encounter in everyday life. (
In performing volunteer mediation services at our local county-supported mediation center, I’ve seen legal and financial disputes resolved with no resolution of heart issues. Litigants who have participated in “shuttle diplomacy” mediation, where the parties are kept in separate rooms during the entire process, have resolved their disputes without ever seeing each other and without resolving their anger and bitterness toward each other.
While acting as a Christian mediator, I’ve seen God’s healing power and grace in powerful ways. Parties who would barely speak to each other at the beginning of the mediation process have displayed Christ’s love by hugging each other at the conclusion of the process.
In 1 Corinthians 6, the apostle Paul instructed Christians not to take their disputes with each other before a court. Simply stated, Christian mediation offers biblical solutions for those disputes.
Posted on January 22, 2013