We Are All Called to Counsel
Author: ABC
Category: Counseling, Ministry, Non-Profit, Relationships, The Gospel
We had over 500 church leaders, pastors, lay counselors and professional counselors join us for this years Association of Biblical Counselor’s National Conference, at which we were reminded of the beautiful, Gospel-founded truth that we are all Called to Counsel.
It was, in some respects, a new beginning for the ABC National Conference in that we are moving in a new and innovative direction to maximize the experience for those able to attend. Hearing from dear pastors, professional counselors and friends like Afshin Ziafat, Jen Wilkin, Ed Welch, JR Vassar, Garrett Higbee, Robert Cheong, John Henderson and more, we beheld the beauty of God’s design for the church to be the first and foremost place where biblical counseling happens as the body pours into one another through discipleship and grows up into the head of the church, which is Christ.

In hearing from Jeremy Lelek, ABC President and fellow counselor, here are some of the words he used to describe this year’s national conference:
- Humbled: I am humbled by the fact that a holy, sovereign God would allow the Association of Biblical Counselors to offer an experience that equips the Body of Christ in biblical care. I am also humbled that so many wonderful people have chosen to make this journey with us.
- Blessed: It is a profound blessing to see and hear how people’s lives were impacted through the teaching and training this year. I was blessed to meet so many amazing saints committed to effective biblical care for others. I was blessed to experience such rich community.
- Inspired: From the amazing worship to the outstanding teaching of gifted speakers, this year deeply inspired me in the work I do as a biblical counselor. To gather with so many like-minded individuals who also serve in the trenches tends to put a fresh wind in my sail.
- Convicted: This year’s gathering deepened my conviction that as believers, we are all called to counsel. As my friend, Garrett Higbee, stated during our panel discussion, “God is raising up an army of saints equipped for this work.” My prayer is that more and more of us will rally around this amazing call to serve together, speaking the truth in love.
Thank you to all who attended. As you connected with one another to learn and grow in your practical ability to offer biblical counseling and care, we pray it was of immense encouragement and, above all, a beautiful time to draw nearer to God who has called you His own. Together, we will take the mantle given to us in Scripture and seek to echo in our lives the precious words of Paul that we are all called to counsel (Eph. 4).
If you attended the conference, we would love your feedback on the event. Click here to fill out a brief survey.
Posted on May 3, 2016