ABC Blog

A Twitter Question On Twitter, domestic abuse biblical counselor, Chris Moles, asked: “What was it that woke you up to the prevalence of #DomesticAbuse ? An experience? A resource?” I hesitated to respond with my experience—feeling false shame even half-a-century later. But then, for the first time, even as a sixty-two-year-old author-pastor-counselor, I put it […]

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Reality, to a large degree, is constructed subjectively through the processes of the mind.  ”Facts” are perceived, variables of that perception shape an interpretation, and these interpretations ultimately serve to shape a person’s experiential reality.  By no means does this diminish the fact that objective, absolute truth exists, but it is important to recognize that this process of perception, interpretation, and conclusion has a significant impact on the way people experience life.  Understanding this can have a profound impact on helping people walk through difficult seasons of suffering.

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Read Romans 8:26-39 This passage, in part, reads, “…the Spirit helps us in our weakness…the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance to God’s will…God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose…Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right […]

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Is biblical counseling exclusively about passing along theological information from one person to another?  As practitioners of God’s Word are we to only occupy ourselves with doctrinal understanding or scriptural application as it regards the sin and sufferings of others?  While theology and doctrinal acuity are essential components of biblical counseling, wisdom guides us to understand that,

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Biblical counseling requires impeccable stewardship.  It is a practice in which we, as counselors interpret and apply sacred truth to hearts often ravaged by the relentless presence of sin and suffering.  This is a profound responsibility.  Misapply or misinterpret the divine treasures of God’s Word and hearts are not mended, but tragically wounded.  Even worse, […]

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Have you ever sat with someone struggling with extreme issues; problems that would likely garner such diagnoses as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, or Pedophilia from a psychiatrist or psychologist?  If you have had the opportunity to work with individuals struggling at such a severe level, then you likely know the process of counseling can be challenging, even confusing.  For individuals wrestling with such chronic issues, the hope of change can often feel

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